Facing Foreclosure

Facing Foreclosure

Purchasing a home can be one of the most significant investments a person or family makes. After the sale is complete, there is often no one available to consult with when you experience financial troubles and face foreclosure. This article is designed to provide a basic introduction and description of the foreclosure process, the laws governing foreclosure, and possible options for those facing foreclosure.

What is a Deed of Trust?

What is a Deed of Trust?

A deed of trust is an arrangement among three parties: the borrower, the lender, and an impartial trustee. In exchange for a loan of money from the lender, the borrower places legal title to real property in the hands of the trustee who holds it for the benefit of the...

What is an Owelty Deed or Lien?

An owelty of partition is an instrument used to allow one co-owner of property to buy the interest of the other co-owners while using 100% of the interests as collateral for a loan to acquire the property.  Common examples are in the situation of divorces, probates...