Name Changes in Texas

Name Changes in Texas Changing your legal name in Texas is a relatively simple process. While most name changes are completed in conjunction with a marriage or a divorce, this article will largely address obtaining a name change as a separate, independent process. In...
Adoptions in Texas

Adoptions in Texas

There are a variety of ways for Texans to enlarge their families through adoption, including placement by the state through the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, placement by a licensed agency, placement by the child’s birth parents (“private...

Online Links for Adoption

There is a lot of information about adoption on the Internet. Here are a few trusted sites: – American Academy of Adoption Attorneys, a well-regarded organization of adoption attorneys across the United States and Canada.
How is Military Retired Pay Divided During Divorce?

How is Military Retired Pay Divided During Divorce?

In military divorce, the Uniform Services Former Spouse’s Protection Act (USFSPA) recognizes the right of state courts to distribute military retired pay to a spouse or ex – spouse and provides a method of enforcing these orders through the Department of...