Guardianships FAQ

What is a guardianship and how do they work? What types of guardianships are there? What are the definitions of “minor” and “incapacitated person?” I think I know someone who meets the definition of an incapacitated person. What must I do to...

Bankruptcy FAQ

Bankruptcy law is very complicated and you should always consult with an attorney before taking any action. Mr. Gregory Ross does provide initial consultations regarding matters in Texas and can often help locate attorneys in other states. He can be reached at (940)...
Back to School Safety Tips

Back to School Safety Tips

Classes start August 22 in Wichita Falls. School days bring congestion: Yellow school buses are picking up their charges, kids on bikes are hurrying to get to school before the bell rings, harried parents are trying to drop their kids off before work. It’s never...
Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!

The Law Office of Gregory A. Ross, PC will be closed the week of July 1 – 5 to celebrate the July 4th holiday. We will return July 8th. Happy Independence Day!